Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Crazy Wonderful Time

i cant believe how many wonderful things have happened since my last post.

realizing it has been quite a while, there is a lot to announce. most importantly we welcomed our son Sebastian Michael! a perfect 10 lb 2 oz, 22 inches long!

we could not be more excited and blessed to have this baby! he is truly wonderful. check out little ones to see more photos :)

his birth story is a lengthy one. towards the end of my pregnancy my heart rate started getting higher than it should be and the cardiologist, though finding nothing wrong, suggested that the only way to have my heart rate regulate was to deliver. i was 39 weeks and very much ready. my dr suggested scheduling an induction at 40 weeks in case i did not go into labor on my own prior. 
well 40 weeks came and we decided to try a membrane sweep first...crossing our fingers for it to work. that same day we were able to see him one last time before his being born and the dr said he was around 9 lbs...give or take 2lb.

we returned home and waited two days to see if the MS would kick start my labor. unfortunately it didnt. the induction was scheduled for the following tuesday. that friday i get a call from my dr saying i had to come in for a non stress test because i was carrying extra amniotic fluid.

after an hour of being hooked up to a fetal heart monitor my dr decided that S wasnt reacting the way she wouldve liked to have seen and sent us over to L&D for further monitoring. turns out that further monitoring turned into being admitted and induced that evening. 

it was quite a whirlwind and 31 hours later on the 31st we welcomed our not so little peanut.

we are so in love! and so blessed with an amazing baby. he sleeps the majority of the night already and hes only 3 weeks old. he's not a crier and from day one has held his own head up...he's super strong! not that im bragging...ok im one proud mama! 


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