Tuesday, March 26, 2013

cheese(cake) and wine kind of day

i don't know what has been going on with me this week, but i have been so completely out of it. i feel like i haven't given my all at the office and i'm disappointed in myself. thought maybe i was just in a cold weather funk (we southerners get those), even tried going to the gym...but nothing really seemed to work.

worse part is while trying to stick to the whole healthy pre-wedding, bride-to-be diet...i cheated. but you know, sometimes a girl just needs some red wine! and maybe a slice of cheesecake!

i don't know if it's my inner Golden Girl or what, but no sweet is more comforting to me that a good piece of new york cheesecake! another thing to add is this; i normally am not a big red wine drinker, i seem to be very picky with my reds, but i have got to say that this merlot is quite good! not as dry as a lot of merlots tend to be.

current goal: expand my love and appreciation for red wines
(sort of) current goal: to realize that even wine is a reflective surface when taking pictures

solid goal don't you think? i don't really see any negatives to achieving this goal!

conserve water drink virginia wine

back on the healthy note however...i'm going to be starting a new workout plan (in addition to the gym) with my mamma. go check out my feel the burn page and take a gander! it's pretty great! 30 days of pre-wedding boot-camp!

Xo  Martina

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